4th Class Swimming

Swimming will take place each Thursday from 26th October – 14th December inclusive. Please ensure your child brings their swimming gear every Thursday.


Colourstrings Music Classes are back for all classes in Scoil Mhuire. We are very fortunate to have Katri Suominen and Peggy Trundle from Maoin Cheoil na Gaillimhe teaching this internationally renowned Music Programme in our school,  Colourstrings uses the principles of Kodaly to train children to learn premusic literacy and appreciate different types of music before they formally play an instrument and become a ‘musician’. This involves them reading, using inner hearing and singing, as well as playing simple percussion instruments.

Also Katri is teaching some very lucky children from R3 agus 4 on Wednesday afternoons for Colourstrings Classical Flute lessons. They are going to perform as part of a Galway Youth Orchestra in May. They are really enjoying these lessons. Since starting in October, they have made great progress.

French with Jennifer

4th & 5th classes took part in french lessons with Jennifer. They had great fun making croissants while learning french.