Féile Ealaíne

Féile Ealaíne 2024 (Art Week) will occur from June 17th to June 21st. There will be activities for all different classes. For example, the 6th Class will participate in drama, painting, STEAM, Zumba, drumming, and Scratch programming. Féile Ealaíne aims to promote learning, sports, and music.

6th Class Jumpers

The 6th Class jumpers have been given out and are looking lovely. Here is one of our pupils modelling them.

6th Class School Tour 2024

Mr Flathery’s and Ms Ellilffe’s 6th Class recently went on a school tour to Lilliput Adventure Centre in County Westmeath. They went bog diving, Rock climbing and Orienteering. Here are some photos from their lovely day out.