About our school

Fáilte so dtí Scoil Mhuire, Maigh Cuilinn.  Welcome to Scoil Mhuire Moycullen. You are most welcome!

Scoil Mhuire is a co-educational Catholic National School located in the lovely village of Moycullen (Maigh Cuilinn), County Galway, at the gateway to Connemara. Our school is located within the Moycullen Language Planning Area (Limistéar Pleanála Teanga Mhaigh Cuilinn) and although no longer classified as a Gaeltacht School (Scoil Ghaeltachta), we are very proud of our Gaeltacht Heritage and the Irish Language (An Ghaeilge) is very important to our school. We love sport, music and the arts. We love our community, its people, its culture and its natural beauty.

Our school is a very special place of which we are immensely proud. It is a warm, welcoming place with a lovely, calm atmosphere. It is an open and inclusive school, in which a spirit of respect for each other is fostered. We do our very best to help each child to develop his/her own particular set of talents and abilities. We try to give our pupils a well-rounded education and help them to experience success in their learning. We encourage our pupils to aim high, to dream big and to be creative.

We are fortunate to have a highly effective and progressive Board of Management, a very positive, supportive parent community and a dedicated, hardworking staff, but those most responsible for making Scoil Mhuire the wonderful place it is are, first and foremost, our pupils. They are simply fantastic, in every sense of the word. Tá said iontach uilig!

Go raibh maith agat as súil a chaitheamh ar ár suíomh idirlín. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh tú taithneamh as.

Beir bua agus beannacht.

Terry Kavanagh

Príomhoide (Principal)